What Stops People From Getting Debt Advice?

What are the biggest barriers to people who need debt advice?

The question of what actually stops many people from seeking the right debt help and advice, may seem alike a subject to avoid, but one that needs to be answered. Because for many people, it's the first step which can lead to an end to the pain of having to deal with overwhelming debt all by themselves.

Fear of the unknown

debt help
Well, clearly the 'fear' of taking any action at all is one of the key emotions that people have when considering getting debt help, and a primary barrier to receiving debt advice. This fear may be based on a number of things, whether that's; fear of the unknown; fear of not knowing how to choose the right solution which is most appropriate to them; fear of taking the wrong advice for their situation; fear of what the debt management process be like, and finally; will their debt hell be actually resolved and will it all have been been worth it?

The fear of venturing into the unknown and getting the information they need so they can make the right informed choice can be like an insurmountable bridge to cross. But it can be overcome by seeking advice from the right sources.

As it's unknown, most will not get the right debt advice as they may imagine the process is painful and they may lose out on what they have. The unknown may be quickly rectified if you seek the right debt advice online. But either way, they need to still make the very first step to find debt help and it's much easier to do this today than it's ever been. The second biggest barrier to seeking debt advice is that of embarrassment...

Fear and embarrassment

As well as having the pressure of money worries, a person who is in debt may have placed themselves in a vicious circle of self-doubt and worry. Added to that, are the sleepless nights, stressful headaches or constant worry that the debt collector is coming to their front door. Some of the questions they may be asking themselves at this time may include:

Why are you in the debt situation you're currently in?
Why has it happened to you?
Is being in debt a sign of your failure?

It certainly is the fear and embarrassment that stops people from seeking the right type of help. But once they have found the right advice, then these self-inflicted barriers are quickly overcome and forgotten.

When people feel they've failed in some way as a person, then being embarrassed about their situation is a completely natural emotion for them to feel. It may seem easy for someone on the outside to simply say there is nothing at all to be embarrassed about; and not being able to cope with debt worries should not be classed as being a failure, but people can still feel this way because they may think they are being judged by others. However, it's often the case that this sense of failure is misplaced as there is no real blame to be apportioned, and the debt problems are often the result of external influences beyond the control of the person affected.

It's usually only when people have reached the point where the realisation that they have an excessive and overwhelming debt problem that they start reaching out for help. For many, they begin to look at finding out if they personally have done something wrong which has resulted in them being burdened with overwhelming money worries. Regardless of what their current situation is or how they got there in the first place, they tend to see everything related to themselves as a complete failure, instead of seeing their debt as being caused by a previous bad decision or external factors which may have been beyond their control and not focus attention on finding help with debt.

If there has been any embarrassment at all for them, it should be for not recognising that they have a debt problem in the first place or alternatively for not looking for debt advice when they first recognised it. And in many cases, it's the sheer embarrassment and fear that's holding people back from receiving debt advice. But when they do, they will soon find their embarrassment was unfounded in the first place.

The first steps to debt recovery

What are the first steps to getting yourself out of the deep hole of debt?

Well, it's rather simple. You can get anonymous debt help advice on the Internet, by building up a relationship with qualified advisor's and getting the correct advice and help.

Get debt advice as soon as you can, either online or by speaking with qualified debt advice professionals; you can even contact us

Even if you don't feel ready to speak to a professional yet, possibly because of embarrassment or plain old burying your head in the sand, just use contact us anonymously and a debt help professional will contact you and develop a relationship before you decide to commit to anything. There's no obligation at all and there's certainly no need to worry any more.